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The lowest relevance was attributed to neck fractures of the fifth metacarpal, ulnar collateral ligament injury of the thumb metacarpophalangeal joint and postoperative management following replantation. The ranking showed scapholunate ligament injury, Kienboeck's disease and scaphoid nonunion to have the highest relevance, followed by 5 other topics dealing with wrist problems.

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Averaging of the marks allowed to define a ranking and a prioritisation of the topics. Further topics could have been indicated. Every single topic had to be rated by marks from 1 (very relevant) to 5 (not relevant). These topics were categorized and integrated into a questionnaire which was presented to 30 experts in the field of hand surgery. A catalogue of 24 topics was extracted from publications of representative hand surgical journals. According to the diversity and multitude of hand surgical topics, relevant fields for systematic reviews were identified by means of an expert ranking. In the field of hand surgery, so far, there exists only a limited number of systematic reviews. Systematic reviews are fundamental decision-making tools for the assessment of the effectiveness of healthcare interventions and for determining future research fields. Schädel-Höpfner, M Diener, M K Eisenschenk, A Lögters, T Windolf, J More cases are still necessary to draw definitive conclusions about this teaching method. This preliminary report shows that hand-assistance is a safe way to teach complex liver resections without compromising patient safety or oncological results. Neither major bleeding nor complications resulted from the teaching program. There was no need for conversion or reoperation. The duration of industrial insurance coverage was much shorter than for elective cases, averaging 225 days (p 20% was necessary in 2 cases. The incidences of emergency reexploration and postoperative infection were not significantly different from those for elective toe-to- hand transfer cases. Two cases (two of 25 cases, 8 percent) were successfully salvaged with emergency reexploration.

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There were 15 cases of great toe-to- hand transfer for thumb reconstruction, two cases of second toe transfer for index finger reconstruction, and four cases of simultaneous two-toe transfer for reconstruction of multiple-digit amputations. The overall results of the immediate toe-to- hand transfers were evaluated and compared with the results of 65 elective procedures performed during the same period by the same surgeon. In the past 5 years, 25 mutilated digits were reconstructed with immediate toe-to- hand transfers after acute hand injuries, for 21 patients. Woo, Sang-Hyun Kim, Joo-Sung Seul, Jung-Hyun Immediate toe-to- hand transfer in acute hand injuries: overall results, compared with results for elective cases. As dentistry incorporates more biological alternatives and automated technology, the role of hands in practice may change. Ergonomic approaches to alleviating work strain have not been broadly embraced. By contrast, the strain of repetitive motion and injuries caused by postural problems are reported to be widespread in the profession and is generally accepted as characteristic and unavoidable. The threats posed by traumatic hand injury to practitioners are unknown, but may be small. Dental education has introduced magnification and computer-assisted technique instruction as the proportion of clock-hours devoted to laboratory practice has decreased. Dentistry is a surgical discipline, requiring a basic competency to perform what has been diagnosed and planned as being in the patients' best interests. ISeePassword has settled in trustpilot and accepts user reviews.Dentists have historically derived a distinctive part of their identity from the role of hand skills in practice.


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